Yellow, stained, or discolored teeth can diminish your self-confidence. You may worry that people notice your less-than-perfect teeth. You may feel anxious that others are judging your oral hygiene —even if you meticulously brush and floss twice everyday!
Unfortunately, the nature of most people’s teeth is to stain over time. This discoloration is sometimes out of our control. For instance, certain medications can have a negative effect on the appearance of your teeth. Age, genetics, and illnesses also play a role in discoloration.
Of course, some factors for teeth staining are within our control. If your diet is saturated in sugary foods or dark beverages, like coffee, tea, and soda, your teeth could become stained. Certain lifestyle habits also affect the color of your teeth. Alcohol consumption and tobacco usage have been known to change the color of teeth.
Fluorosis is also a common contributor to tooth discoloration. Fluorosis is the overexposure to fluoride during tooth development. This can drastically alter the color of your teeth.
Now you know the causes for tooth discoloration, but what can you do to reverse it? At King Dental Group, we can help you attain a brighter, whiter smile with professional teeth whitening. We offer 2 different whitening systems: Opalescence whitening and KӧR Deep Bleaching. One is a take-home system while the other we perform in our office.
Our esteemed dentist will personally consult with you about what shade of white you’re hoping to achieve. He will also help you determine if in-office or at-home teeth bleaching is better for you. We’re confident that our professional teeth whitening services will leave you with a more brilliant, pearly-white smile. You’ll finally have a movie star grin, worthy of the camera.
If you’d like to learn more about our teeth whitening services, please give us a call! We would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Dr. King and his team look forward to working with you!