Listed below are the principles by which this dental practice runs. These are our deeply-held beliefs and these are the principles we stand for. -The King Dental Group Team
– Above all else, in this practice we will respect the values of each individual client and team member.
We believe each person should be treated with complete dignity and respect.
We believe every individual has infinite worth, and should be treated as such.
– We encourage our clients to express their own values in selecting for us how they would like to be treated in our practice.
– We create an atmosphere and offer resources to help our clients clarify their personal values so that they can share with us how they would like to be treated in this practice.
– We believe that each person would like to be free from the pain and discomfort of dental diseases.
Most people today still do not believe that dental decay and gum disease are NOT curable, but they are CONTROLLABLE, and that they are virtually 99% preventable.
The majority still do not understand how the control of dental disease is almost entirely in THEIR hands. (An exception to this rule may be Occlusal disease.)
– We present to each client the findings of a complete and thorough oral examination, through a written Review of Findings that includes a completely prepared diagnosis. Then, we interact with each one to develop together a Master Plan for their future dental health.
– Based on their understanding of the problems, we do not manipulate our clients, and we will not struggle with them to get them to do something which they can be doing for themselves. In other words:
We will not care more about our clients than they care about themselves!
– We believe people want Control and they want Freedom. We can offer them freedom from dental pain and control over their own dental health.
– We believe that modern dentistry offers the greatest opportunities to serve mankind, while at the same time providing us with dignity and self-respect in knowing that we are rendering a valuable service to our clients.
– We provide for each patient the best we are capable of providing, and we will continually strive to upgrade our skills and our capabilities, to stay on the leading edge of all that the art and science of dentistry can provide. A strong commitment to continuing education is at the heart of these efforts.
– We each maintain our own dental health, knowing that we can only provide for others that which we are doing for ourselves.
– We each work to maintain our own physical health at the highest levels, including regular exercise and health evaluations.
– We maintain high standards of care and delivery of dental treatment, for each procedure done in our office.
– We believe it is all of our responsibilities to be knowledgeable about each of the phases of dentistry that we offer, so that we can inform patients beforehand as well as answer patients’ inquiries about their own treatment.
– We believe in treating only one patient at a time. This means the doctor ideally will be present from start to finish, and the entire team will be able to work at maximum efficiency without wasted time and motion, during a specific dental procedure. This in turn frees us to be more effective with each patient, and that is ultimately our deepest goal.
– Respect for our clients implies respect for their time as well. We work on time and stay on time, or we immediately offer an explanation. In those cases, we then bend over backwards to make restitution in any instance where we may have inadvertently abused our clients’ time,
– We realize that we are of no value to anyone, including ourselves, unless we can operate this business making a just and fair profit for our efforts.
– In order to meet the goals of our practice, the practice is organized by the use of systems and policies that govern how we deal with each routine situation, with our clients and suppliers, and with each other as a team.
– Open communication among team members and with clients is the most important ingredient for successful teamwork. This naturally demands hard work and study to continually upgrade and improve our communication skills.
– We are all committed to the utmost in professionalism in all our dealings with clients. This commitment encompasses how we act and how we talk, how we carry ourselves, how we appear and how we present ourselves and our office.
– Above all, we are aware that a true professional cares more about his clients’ interests than about his own interests, and we strive together to find more and better ways of expressing this sincere concern to our clients.