Our Core Values at King Dental Group
Article by King Dental Group Team
Recently, at a day-long team retreat, our staff spent some time addressing the issue of “WHY” as it relates to our reason for existence as a dental health facility. This statement summarizes our mutual conclusions:
Picture yourself adrift on the sea – it is nighttime, it is pitch black on a moonless night, and you have no way to orient yourself as to which direction you might want to sail. What do you do? Well, with even the smallest amount of experience, you first begin to look for the North star – the brightest star in the sky. You remain keyed to that star as you move towards what you now know to be home.
The WHY in our practice is a very fitting way to describe our Purpose for existence. It can be stated this way: Our purpose is to help our clients discover Optimal Health and to help them along the road as they choose to pursue that goal.
As in our navigation illustration, (where we will never actually reach the North star), we aim to help people define what they personally value about Optimal Health and move towards achievement of health by continuing to maintain focus on that purpose.
Along that path, of course, we are surrounded by values that we define together as our Core Values in the practice, as well as in our lives. These were selected from a rather large list of values we all contributed to.
The CORE VALUES we choose to help keep us on our desired path are:
– INTEGRITY – we will maintain Integrity in everything we do
– PASSION – for we are truly passionate about the results we are helping our clients achieve for themselves.
– SUPPORT – we will be supportive to all of our patient’s efforts as they work towards the goal of Optimal Health.
Certainly it is a fact that there are short- , medium -, and long-range goals along the road, and our Core Values can be said to surround all of these. Each step of the way commonly involves defining together various “strategic values” – oriented around the specific strategy that we establish as we aim for each phase of our journey. Because we at King Dental Group AND the client are partnered together in a personal relationship as we work together, we are constantly discovering more exciting facts about the reality of living and working with a Business philosophy such as this. This fact fuels our passion to an even greater degree and truly gives great meaning to our lives as well as to the lives of our clients. It goes without saying that our support for patients includes the delivery of the highest quality dental care of which the art and science of modern dentistry is capable – and that always will remain at the center of our recommendations and encouragement for all our clients.